Year of publication
1 |
101 more training games |
Kroehnert, Gary |
1999 |
2 |
2008 UNAIDS Annual Report: Towards Universal Access |
2008 |
3 |
2nd All-Africa Consultative Meeting of Child, Youth and Human Rights Organizations: Proceedings |
UN Conference Center,Addis Ababa Ethiopia |
2008 |
4 |
A Better way: Manual on Positive Child Disciplining |
Annpcan |
5 |
A community of readers : a thematic approach to reading |
Alexander, Roberta, and Lombardi, Jan |
2001 |
6 |
A community-based approach to the reduction of sexual reoffending : circles of support and accountability |
Hanvey, Stephen, Philpot, Terry, Wilson, Chris, |
2011 |
7 |
A first step : understanding Guillain-Barre syndrome |
Langton, Brian S |
2002 |
8 |
A Hand Book for inclusion Managers Steering your School towards inclusion |
David Fulton |
2010 |
9 |
A hand book on mainstreaming disability |
2002 |
10 |
A hand book on mainstreaming disability |
2002 |
11 |
A handbook for inclusion managers : steering your school towards inclusion |
Sydney, Ann |
2010 |
12 |
A Handbook on Best Practices Regarding HIV and Aids for People with Disabilities |
Voluntary Services Overseas |
2009 |
13 |
A module for special needs education |
Woldemichael, Fisseha |
14 |
A module for Special needs education |
Feseha W/Michaiel |
15 |
A retrospective assessment on violence against children with disabilities in Ethiopia |
16 |
Abnormal child psychology |
Mash, Eric J., and Wolfe, David A. |
2005 |
17 |
Accelerating Action against AIDS in Africa |
2003 |
18 |
Action for the rights of children |
19 |
Action for the rights of children (ARC) |
20 |
Actions speaking for themselves |
2006 |
21 |
Actions speaking for themselves |
2006 |
22 |
Active learning and Teaching method for key stage 3 |
2007 |
23 |
Adapted play in education : tools and techniques |
Palumboand, A. J. and Cwynar, P., |
1995 |
24 |
Adapted Play in Education: Tools and Techniques. |
A.J. Palumboand P.cwynar |
1995 |
25 |
Adapting early childhood curricula for children in inclusive settings |
Cook, Ruth E., Klein, M. Diane, Tessier, Annette, Daley, Steven E., |
2004 |
26 |
Addis Ababa University college of education school of graduate studies : Graduates bulletin and research abstracts |
2008 |
27 |
Addis Ababa University college of education school of graduate studies: Graduates bulletin and research abstracts |
2008 |
28 |
ADHD in the schools : assessment and intervention strategies |
DuPaul, George J., and Stoner, Gary, |
2003 |
29 |
Advances in Health Care Management |
Blair, John D., and Fottler, Myron D., |
30 |
Africa in world politics : reforming political order |
Harbeson, John W. |
31 |
Aid delivery methods: Project cycle management guidelines. Volume 1 |
2004 |
32 |
Aid memorial |
33 |
Aide-memoire Planning workshop |
2009 |
34 |
Aide-memoire for facilitator planning workshop |
2009 |
35 |
Aide-Memoire planning workshop prepared in Braille for the Blind. |
36 |
AIDS epidemic up date December 2009 |
2009 |
37 |
AIDS is Every bodies Business :UNAIDS & Business; Working Together |
2007 |
38 |
AIDS, Poverty Reduction & Debt Relief A Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS Programmers’ in to Development Instruments |
2001 |
39 |
AIDS, Poverty Reduction and Debt Relief |
The world bank |
40 |
AIDS, poverty reduction, and debt relief : a toolkit for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS programmes into development instruments |
Adeyi, Ofusoji, |
2001 |
41 |
Ambition |
Leendert, pot & Marieke Boersma |
42 |
Aphasia and its therapy |
Basso, Anna |
2003 |
43 |
Applied child study : a developmental approach |
Pellegrini, Anthony D., and Bjorklund, David F. |
1998 |
44 |
Asperger Syndrome and your child: a Parent’s Guide |
45 |
Asperger syndrome your child : A parent’s Guide |
Powers, Michael D |
2002 |
46 |
Asperger syndrome & your child : a parent’s guide |
Powers, Michael D. |
2002 |
47 |
Assessing students with special needs |
McLoughlin, James A., and Lewis, Rena B. |
2009 |
48 |
Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and practice (KAP) of Persons with Visual and Hearing Disabilities on HIV AND AIDS, Reproductive Health in Addis Ababa- for the development of Information Pack |
BY GYD United consulting Plc |
2009 |
49 |
Assessment of poverty reduction strategies in sub-Saharan Africa : the cases of Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia : synthesis report. |
2009 |
50 |
Assisting people with disabilities in finding employment : a resource book for Trainers of employment service personnel |
2004 |
51 |
Assisting People with disabilities in finding employment: A Resource Book for Trainers of Employment Service Personnel. |
2004 |
52 |
Assisting students with disabilities : a handbook for school counselors |
Baumberger, Julie P., and Harper, Ruth E., |
2007 |
53 |
Athlete first : a history of the paralympic movement |
Bailey, Steve, |
2008 |
54 |
Aural Rehabilitation for People With Disabilities |
55 |
Aural rehabilitation for people with disabilities |
Oyiborhoro, John M. A. |
2005 |
56 |
Autism : a very short introduction |
Frith, Uta |
2008 |
57 |
Autism : explaining the enigma |
Frith, Uta |
1989 |
58 |
Autism and early years practice |
Wall, Kate |
2010 |
59 |
Autism spectrum disorders : the complete guide to understanding autism, Asperger’s syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, and other ASDs |
SicileKira, Chantal |
2004 |
60 |
Avances in Health Care Management |
John D. Blair |
61 |
-Bell |
62 |
Berch: Annual Journal Ethiopian women lawyers Association |
2007 |
63 |
Berchi: Annual Journal Ethiopian women lawyers Association |
2004 |
64 |
Berchi: Annual Journal Ethiopian women lawyers Association |
2008 |
65 |
Born to high risk : violence against girls in Africa : a report prepared for the Second International Policy Conference on the African Child : violence against girls in Africa |
Mugawe, David |
2006 |
66 |
Born to High Risk: Violence Against Girls in Africa |
2006 |
67 |
Brain, culture, and development: Tradition and Innovation in Child and Adolescent Mental Health |
Young, J Gerald, Ferrari, Pierre, Malhotra, Savita, Tyano, Samuel, Caffo, Ernesto, |
2003 |
68 |
2010 |
69 |
Brochure 46664 it’s in our hand |
70 |
Building capacity through financial management : a practical guide |
Cammack, John |
2007 |
71 |
Building national campaigns : activists, alliances, and how change happens |
Dalton, Dave |
2007 |
72 |
-Bungalow |
73 |
Capacity Building assessment made on CBR member organization |
2008 |
74 |
Capacity development in practice |
Ubels, Jan, AcquayeBaddoo, NaaAku, Fowler, Alan, |
2010 |
75 |
Caring for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families : an innovative approach to interdisciplinary practice |
Vargas, Claudia Maria, and Prelock, Patricia Ann, Editors |
2004 |
76 |
Catalogue : New publications and selected Backlist |
2008/9 |
77 |
CBR as Part of Community Development: A Poverty Reduction Strategy |
Hartley, Sally |
2006 |
78 |
CBR as part of community Development: poverty Reduction Strategy. |
Sally Hartley |
2006 |
79 |
CBR: Inclusive policy development and implementation |
Hartley, Sally, and Okune, Joan |
2008 |
80 |
CBR: Inclusive policy development and implementation. |
Sally Hartley & Joan Okune |
2008 |
81 |
Cerebral Palsy |
82 |
Changing the river’s flow series cultural dialogue series |
83 |
Cheshire service Ethiopia: Macro Blueprint plan CBR Program |
Fasil Worku |
2009 |
84 |
Child development |
Santrock, John W. |
2010 |
85 |
Child development |
Patterson, Charlotte J |
2008 |
86 |
Child Health manual for community Health Nurses |
David P. Bowler |
1970 |
87 |
Child internet : Nexus for Research, Training and information network |
2008 |
88 |
Child internet: nexus for research, training and information network |
2008 |
89 |
Child poverty : African and international perspectives |
Doek, Jaap |
2009 |
90 |
Child poverty in Africa : an overview |
Tsegaye, Shimelis |
2009 |
91 |
Child Poverty in Africa: An overview |
Shimelis Tsegaye |
2009 |
92 |
Child Poverty: African and International Perspectives |
Jaap E.Doek and A.K. Shiva Kumar |
2009 |
93 |
Child-friendly Laws in Africa |
SlothNielsen, Julia |
2009 |
94 |
Children and Art : tips for art education |
Tsegaye, Shimelis |
2009 |
95 |
Children and participation : Research, monitoring and evaluation with children and young people |
96 |
Children with disabilities |
Batshaw, Mark L., Pellegrino, Louis, Roizen, Nancy J., |
2007 |
97 |
Children with disabilities : documenting the reality in Africa |
2009 |
98 |
Children with disabilities: Documenting the reality in Africa |
African Child policy Forum |
2009 |
99 |
Children with disability in armed conflict and displacement |
100 |
Children, families and schools : developing partnerships for inclusive education |
Beveridge, Sally, |
2005 |
101 |
Children’s Rights pictorial Booklet |
Annpcan |
1999 |
102 |
Children’s Legal Protection Center of The African Child Policy Forum |
103 |
Children’s Voice |
Annpcan |
2008 |
104 |
Children’s Voice: Quarterly Magazine of Annpcan-Ethipia |
Annpcan |
2008 |
105 |
Children’s Voice: Quarterly Magazine of Anppcan -Ethiopia |
Annpcan |
2008 |
106 |
Children’s Voice: Quarterlymagazine of Anppcan-Ethiopia |
Annpcan |
2008 |
107 |
Children’s understanding of disability |
Lewis, Ann |
1995 |
108 |
Choosing research Methods |
Brain Pratt |
1992 |
109 |
Choosing Research Methods: Data Collection for Development Workers |
Pratt, Brian, and Loizos, Peter |
1992 |
110 |
Claiming disability : knowledge and identity |
Linton, Simi |
1998 |
111 |
Clubfeet management (Using the ponseti method) |
112 |
Clubfeet management: Using the ponseti method |
113 |
Communication and interpersonal skills in social work |
Koprowska, Juliet |
2008 |
114 |
Communities Adventure in time and Place |
National Geographic Society |
2009 |
115 |
Communities: Adventures in TIme and Place |
Banks, James A., Beyer, Barry K., Contreras, Gloria, Craven, Jean, LadsonBillings, Gloria, McFarland, Mary A., Parker, Walter C., |
2000 |
116 |
Community Based Rehabilitation supervisors training manual : CBR-Network Ethiopia |
2006 |
117 |
Community –Based Rehabilitation and Health care Referral services :A guide for program me manager |
1994 |
118 |
Community –Based Rehabilitation and Health care Referral services :A guide for program me manager |
1994 |
119 |
Community –Based Rehabilitation network Ethiopia (CBR)Service Standards |
2004 |
120 |
Community based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities |
Pruthvish, S |
2006 |
121 |
Community-based interventions for criminal offenders with severe mental illness |
Fisher, William H. |
122 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Companion CD |
2010 |
123 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Education Component |
2010 |
124 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Empowerment Component |
2010 |
125 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Health Component |
2010 |
126 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Introductory Booklet |
2010 |
127 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Livelihood Component |
2010 |
128 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Social Component |
2010 |
129 |
Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines : Supplementary Booklet |
2010 |
130 |
Concise Amharic- English dictionary |
2008 |
131 |
Concise Oxford English dictionary |
2005 |
132 |
Concise Oxford English Dictionary |
2005 |
133 |
Conform and hope: six case studies on mobile |
2006 |
134 |
Constructing ManaBu School |
135 |
Counseling children with hearing impairment and their families |
English, Kristina M., and Allyn and Bacon |
2001 |
136 |
Count us in!: How to make sure that women disabilities can participate effectively in mainstream women`s entrepreneurship development activities |
2008 |
137 |
Count us in!: How to make sure that women disabilities can participate effectively in mainstream women`s entrepreneurship development activities. |
2008 |
138 |
Count us in: |
139 |
Country Harmonization and Alignment Tool (CHAT): A Tool to Address harmonization challenges by assessing strengths and effectiveness of partnerships in the national AIDS response |
2007 |
140 |
Credit and Saving For Development |
Oxfam |
1990 |
141 |
Credit and Savings for Development |
Devereux, Stephen, Pares, Henry, Best, John, |
1987 |
142 |
Cultural attitude, perception and practices on HIV infection : A baseline towards challenging gender dynamics in cultural context to address HIV in seke, Zimbabwe |
143 |
Culture and Change: Ethiopian Women challenging the Future |
144 |
Cutting-edge therapies for autism |
Siri, Ken, and Lyons, Tony |
2010 |
145 |
Deafness and hearing impairment |
Naff, Clay Farris |
2010 |
146 |
Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of technical Cooperation program & Project : A Training manual |
1996 |
147 |
Design, monitoring and evaluation of technical cooperation program and project : a training manual |
1996 |
148 |
Developing minds : challenge and continuity across the life span |
Rutter, Michael, and Rutter, Marjorie |
1993 |
149 |
Development and disability |
Lewis, Vicky |
2003 |
150 |
Development in practice |
Eade, Deborah and Knowles, Caroline |
1995 |
151 |
Development, NGOs and Civil Society |
Eade, Deborah |
2000 |
152 |
Developmental social welfare policy |
1996 |
153 |
Developmental social welfare policy |
1996 |
154 |
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-IV-TR |
2000 |
155 |
Digest of Ethiopia’s national policies, strategies and programs |
Assefa, Taye, Editor |
2008 |
156 |
Dimtsachin : Our Voice |
2005 |
157 |
Directory of institutions providing referral services for persons with disability |
2007 |
158 |
Directory of institutions providing referral services for persons with disability. |
2007 |
159 |
Directory of Teaching and Information Resources for Blindness prevention and Rehabilitation |
Sue Stevens |
2004 |
160 |
Disabilities: Issues formerly Issues for the Nineties: Volume 17 |
161 |
Disability and education:The longest road to inclusion |
Bines, Hazel, and Lei, Philippa |
162 |
Disability and inclusive development |
Barron, Tanya, and Amerena, Penny |
2007 |
163 |
Disability and inclusive development |
Tanya Barron & Penny Amerena ,Leonard Cheshire international. |
2007 |
164 |
Disability awareness (Exploring the inclusion of Children with Autism): Training Package 2nd Edition |
2007 |
165 |
Disability classification in education : issues and perspectives |
Florian, Lani, and McLaughlin, Margaret J. |
2008 |
166 |
Disability Development Priorities and Advocacy Strategy |
Cardos |
2009 |
167 |
Disability in Development : Experiences in inclusive practice |
168 |
Disability in Ethiopia: Issues, Insights and Implications |
Teferra, Tirussew |
2005 |
169 |
Disability in Ethiopia: Issues, Insights and Implications. |
Tirusew Teffera Ph.D |
2005 |
170 |
Disability on equal terms |
Swain, John, and French, Sally |
2008 |
171 |
Disability theory |
Siebers, Tobin |
2008 |
172 |
Disability, equality, and human rights |
Alison Harris with sue Enfield |
2003 |
173 |
Disability, equality, and human rights : a training manual for development and humanitarian organisations |
Harris, Alison, and Enfield, Sue |
2003 |
174 |
Disability, Liberation and Development |
Oxfam |
175 |
Disability, liberation, and development |
Coleridge, Peter |
1993 |
176 |
Disability, Poverty and schooling in developing countries: Results from 11 Household surveys: Social Protection Discussion paper series |
177 |
Disabled Village Children |
2009 |
178 |
Disabled village children : a guide for community health workers, rehabilitation workers, and families |
Werner, David |
1987 |
179 |
Disabling barriers–enabling environments |
Swain, John, French, Sally, Thomas, Carol, |
2004 |
180 |
-Do we play lots of Games |
181 |
Doing Health Promotion Research |
Wilfreda E.Thurston |
1994 |
182 |
Draft ILO/UNESCO/WHO: CBR Guidelines : Education component |
2006 |
183 |
Draft ILO/UNESCO/WHO: CBR Guidelines: Education component |
2006 |
184 |
Encyclopaedia of Social Problems : Volume 1 |
P.K. Jauhari |
2006 |
185 |
Encyclopaedia of Social Problems : Volume 2 |
P.K. Jauhari |
2006 |
186 |
Encyclopaedia of Social Problems : Volume 3 |
P.K. Jauhari |
2006 |
187 |
Encyclopaedia of Social Problems: Volume 1 |
Jauhari, P.K. |
2006 |
188 |
Encyclopaedia of Social Problems: Volume 2 |
Jauhari, P.K. |
2006 |
189 |
Encyclopaedia of Social Problems: Volume 3 |
Jauhari, P.K. |
2006 |
190 |
English-Amharic context dictionary |
Leslau, Wolf |
1973 |
191 |
Environment |
Oliver, Karon |
2002 |
192 |
Epidemiology for undergraduates |
Joseph, Marina Rajan |
2007 |
193 |
Epidemiology for undergraduates |
Marina Rajan Joseph |
2007 |
194 |
Epilepsy and me : People with learning disabilities discuss their experiences living with epilepsy.(CD) |
2008 |
195 |
Epilepsy and me : People with learning disabilities discuss their experiences living with epilepsy |
2008 |
196 |
Epilepsy: A Curable Disease |
Prakash, Brahm |
2007 |
197 |
Equal Opportunities for All: A Community Based Rehabilitation Project for Refugees |
198 |
Equal opportunities for All: Promoting community –Based Rehabilitation (CBR) among urban poor population |
2002 |
199 |
Equal opportunities for All: Promoting community –Based Rehabilitation (CBR) among urban poor population. |
2002 |
200 |
Essentials of community medicine : a practical approach |
Hiremath, D. A., and Hiremath, Lalita D. |
2004 |
201 |
Essentials of Community Medicine : A practical approach |
DA Hiremath and Latita D Hiremath |
2004 |
202 |
Ethiopia and Eritrea |
Phillips, Matt, and Carillet, JeanBernard |
2006 |
203 |
Ethiopia and Eritrea |
Matt Phillips and JeanBernard Carillet |
2006 |
204 |
Ethiopia Lawyers Association :Activity Report |
2001 |
205 |
Ethiopia Women Lawyers Association: Activity Report |
2001 |
206 |
Ethiopian Annual Report 2009 |
207 |
Ethiopian Country profile |
208 |
Ethiopian Sign language Dictionary |
2008 |
209 |
Ethiopian women lawyers association (EWLA) |
2009 |
210 |
Ethiopian women lawyers association : Activity Report |
2001 |
211 |
Evaluating empowerment : reviewing the concept and practice |
Oakley, Peter |
2001 |
212 |
Evaluation and social research : introducing small-scale practice |
Hall, Irene, and Hall, David |
2004 |
213 |
Exploring disability : a sociological introduction |
Barnes, Colin, and Mercer, Geof |
2010 |
214 |
Facilitator’s Guide to participatory Decision-Making |
215 |
Federal Negarit Gazeta |
2008 |
216 |
Feminist perspectives on disability |
Fawcett, Barbara |
2000 |
217 |
FIGHTING AIDS; HIV/STI Prevention and Care Activities in military and peacekeeping Settings in Ukraine Country report |
2004 |
218 |
Financial & managerial accounting |
Needles, Belverd E., Powers, Marian, Crosson, Susan V., |
2002 |
219 |
Financial &Managerial Accounting (Study Guide) |
Houghton Mifflin |
2002 |
220 |
Forum for street children-Ethiopia (FSCE ) |
2007 |
221 |
From Advocacy to Action: a progress report on UNAIDS at country level |
2005 |
222 |
Gender mainstreaming experiences from eastern and southern Africa |
Tadesse, Matebu, and Daniel, Abiye |
223 |
Gender, nature, and nurture |
Lippa, Richard |
2002 |
224 |
General Teaching council for Northern Ireland: Teaching: the Reflective Profession. |
225 |
Get Global: Process |
2001 |
226 |
Get in to work : guidance for tutor : a toolkit for supporting people with difficulties to learn work skill |
Hill, Sam |
227 |
Get in to work :guidance for Tutor: A toolkit for supporting people with difficulties to learn work skill |
Sam Hill |
228 |
Global trends in educational policy |
Baker, David P., and Wiseman, Alexander W. |
2005 |
229 |
Governance and child wellbeing : how to measure government performance |
Mekonen, Yehualashet |
2009 |
230 |
Governance and child wellbeing: How to measure Government Performance |
Yehualshet Mekonen |
2009 |
231 |
Guide for Local Supervisors |
232 |
Guide for people with Disabilities |
233 |
Guide for Schoolteachers |
234 |
Guide for the Community Rehabilitation Committee |
235 |
Guide Pratica : Rendicontazione Progetti PVS-MAE |
236 |
Guidelines and principles for the development of disability statistics |
2001 |
237 |
Guidelines for conducting, monitoring and self-Assessment of community Based Rehabilitation programmes: Using Evaluation information to improve program me |
1996 |
238 |
Guidelines for conducting, monitoring and self-Assessment of community Based Rehabilitation programmes: Using Evaluation information to improve programme |
1996 |
239 |
Guillain-Barre syndrome : from diagnosis to recovery |
Parry, Gareth J., and Steinberg, Joel S. |
2007 |
240 |
HACI Ethiopia orphan and Vulnerable children service in Addis Ababa and surrounding towns.(Service directory) |
2005 |
241 |
HACI Ethiopia orphan and Vulnerable children service in Addis Ababa and surrounding towns |
2005 |
242 |
Handbook for health workers |
Dogget, Aileen, and McVicar, Janet |
1990 |
243 |
Handbook of epilepsy treatment |
Shorvon, Simon |
2010 |
244 |
Handicap national Action for children with disabilities :Report on Assessment of Children with disabilities in Addis Ababa |
2007 |
245 |
Handicap national Action for children with disabilities: Report on Assessment of Children with disabilities in Addis Ababa |
2007 |
246 |
Health |
Greenberg, Jerrold, and Gold, Robert |
1994 |
247 |
Health and safety in a learning disability service |
Johnson, David, and Hardie, Elaine |
2007 |
248 |
Health focus on you ( a merill Health Program) |
Merrill |
1990 |
249 |
Health focus on you grade 4 |
Merrill |
1990 |
250 |
Health for life |
Richmond, Julius B., Pounds, Elenore, Corbin, Charles B., |
1992 |
251 |
Health for life (Diff) |
Julius B.R |
1994 |
252 |
Health of Women with Intellectual Disabilities |
253 |
Health of women with intellectual disabilities |
Walsh, Patricia Noonan, and Heller, Tamar |
2002 |
254 |
Health: Focus on You |
Meeks, Linda, and Heit, Philip |
1982 |
255 |
Health: Focus on You |
Meeks, Linda, and Heit, Philip |
1990 |
256 |
Health: Focus on You |
Meeks, Linda, and Heit, Philip |
1984 |
257 |
Helping children who are blind : family and community support for children with vision problems |
Niemann, Sandy, and Jacob, Namita |
2000 |
258 |
HIV AIDS and human rights in south Africa |
259 |
HIV/AIDS and disability: Capturing hidden voice |
2004 |
260 |
HIV/AIDS and disability: Capturing hidden voice. |
2004 |
261 |
How to diagnose neuromuscular diseases |
w.Strobl |
262 |
How to diagnose neuromuscular diseases |
Strobl, W |
263 |
How to get into work: A work skill booklet for people with learning difficulties |
Sealey, Claire, and Geer, Michaiel |
2008 |
264 |
How to get into work: A work skill booklet for people with learning difficulties. |
Sealey Claire and Geer Michaiel |
2008 |
265 |
How to travel in your local area: Guidance for tutors |
Hill, Sam |
2008 |
266 |
How to travel in your local area: Guidance for tutors. |
Hill,Sam |
2008 |
267 |
How travel in your local areas: A travel skill booklet |
Amborse, Carly, Middleton, Lil, Heely, Nicola, |
2007 |
268 |
How travel in your local areas: A travel skill booklet. |
Amborse.Carly, Middleton,Lil &Heely Nicola |
2008 |
269 |
Human development |
Crandell, Thomas L., Crandell, Corinne Haines, Vander Zanden, James W., |
2009 |
270 |
Hungry for change: An eight-step, costed plan of action to tackle global child hunger. |
271 |
Identifying special needs in the early years |
Mathieson, Kay |
2007 |
272 |
ILO Women’s entrepreneur ship Development |
273 |
IMPACT of HIV and Sexual health education on the sexual behavior of young People: a review update. |
1997 |
274 |
Implementing inclusive education : Commonwealth guide to implementing Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities |
Rieser, Richard |
2008 |
275 |
Improve your project management |
Baguley, Phil |
2010 |
276 |
Improving schools, developing inclusion |
Ainscow, Mel, Booth, Tony, Dyson, Alan, |
2006 |
277 |
Improving the context for inclusion : personalising teacher development through collaborative action research |
Howes, Andy, Davies, S.M.B., Fox, Sam, |
2009 |
278 |
In the best interests of the child : harmonising laws in Eastern and South Africa |
Doek, Jaap |
279 |
In the best interests of the child : harmonization of national laws with the convention on the rights of the child : some observations and suggestions |
Doek, Jaap |
280 |
In the best interests of the child : Harmonization of national laws with the convention on the rights of the child : Some observations and suggestions |
Prof.Jaap E Doek |
2007 |
281 |
In the Best Interests of The CHILD: Harmonising laws in Eastern and South Africa |
Prof. Jaap Doek |
2007 |
282 |
Included or excluded? : the challenge of the mainstream for some SEN children |
Cigman, Ruth |
2007 |
283 |
Inclusion, Participation and Democracy: What is the Purpose? |
Allan, Julie |
2003 |
284 |
Inclusive aid : changing power and relationships in international development |
Leslie Christine Groves |
2004 |
285 |
Inclusive education : a global agenda |
Pijl, Sip Jan, Meijer, Cor J.W., Hegarty, Seamus, |
1997 |
286 |
Inclusive education and classroom practice in secondary education |
2005 |
287 |
Inclusive Education Proceeding of 3rd conference |
2008 |
288 |
Inclusive Education Proceeding of 3rd conference |
2008 |
289 |
Inclusive Education: Where there are few resources. |
290 |
Infection and hearing impairment |
Newton, V.E., and Vallely, P.J., Editors |
2006 |
291 |
Intellectual disability : a guide for families and professionals |
Harris, James C. |
2010 |
292 |
Intellectual disability : understanding its development, causes, classification, evaluation, and treatment |
Harris, James C. |
2006 |
293 |
Inter-group conflict, the role of pastoral youths, and small arms proliferation in nomadic areas of Ethiopia : the case of the Karrayu and their neighbours in the Upper Awash Valley Region |
Gebre, Ayalew |
2009 |
294 |
Inter-linkages between culture , Gender Based Violence, HIV and Aids and Women’s Right: Training Manual |
295 |
International classification of functioning, disability, and health : ICF short version |
2001 |
296 |
International guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights |
2006 |
297 |
International human rights law and practice: cases, treaties and materials documentary supplement |
Martin, Francisco Forrest, Schnably, Stephen J., Slye, Ronald C., Wilson, Richard, Falk, Richard, Simon, Jonathan S., Koren, Edward, |
1997 |
298 |
International views on disability measures: moving toward comparative measurment |
Altman, Barbara M., and Barnartt, Sharon N. |
2006 |
299 |
Introduction to special needs Education: A Module for BED. Teachers Training |
300 |
Introduction to Visual and Physical impairment |
2009 |
301 |
Invisible children : a study of policy exclusion |
Alur, Mithu |
2003 |
302 |
Italian Contribution to the Education sector Development Program me (ESDP): A hand book to promote sustainable Alternative Basic Education (ABE) in Oromia Region |
2007 |
303 |
Italian Contribution to the Education sector Development Program me (ESDP): Guidelines for self-evaluation practice in Education |
2007 |
304 |
Italian Contribution to the Education sector Development Program me (ESDP): Review of Alternative Basic Education in four selected Regions of Ethiopia Afar,Oromia,Somali and Tigray |
2006 |
305 |
Italian Contribution to the Education sector Development Program me (ESDP): Technical Assistance on Educational Training |
2006 |
306 |
Italian Contribution to the Education sector Development Program me (ESDP):Self-Help efforts to promote sustainable Alternative Basic Education (ABE)in oromia Region. |
2006 |
307 |
Justice and equality in education : a capability perspective on disability and special educational needs |
Terzi, Lorella |
2008 |
308 |
Keeping yourself clean |
Forgacs .Ames,Moore Darren & Hutuchion |
2007 |
309 |
Keeping yourself clean |
Forgacs, Ames and Moore, Darren |
2007 |
310 |
Key concepts in learning disabilities |
Talbot, Pat, Astbury, Geoff, Mason, Tom, |
2010 |
311 |
Language ideologies and challenges of multilingual education in Ethiopia : the case of Harari Region |
Yigezu, Moges |
2010 |
312 |
Learning disabilities : toward inclusion |
Gates, Bob |
2007 |
313 |
Learning disabilities in English |
Harinath, P. Kusuma |
2007 |
314 |
Learning to listen : Consulting children and young people with disability |
315 |
Listen Up: Speaking up Voice,action,change |
2008 |
316 |
Literacy and augmentative and alternative communication |
Smith, Martine |
2005 |
317 |
Lord, zega, and peasant : a study of property and agrarian relations in rural eastern Gojjam |
Mengistie, Habtamu |
2004 |
318 |
Low Vision Aids |
Chaudhry, Monica |
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319 |
Low Vision Aids Practice |
Bhootra, Ajay Kumar |
2007 |
320 |
Mainstreaming HIV,AIDS and Gender into Culture: A community Education Handbook Part 1& 2 |
321 |
Make development inclusive :how to include the perspectives of persons with disabilities in the project cycle management cycle guidelines of the EC : a practical guide |
322 |
Make development inclusive: how to include the perspectives of persons with disabilities in the project cycle management cycle guidelines of the EC : A practical guide |
323 |
Making life choices : health skills and concepts |
Sizer, Frances Sienkiewicz, Whitney, Eleanor Noss, DeBruyne, Linda Kelly, |
1994 |
324 |
Making life Choices Health Skills and Concepts |
Sizer Frances |
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325 |
Making the money work; UNAIDS Technical Support to Countries |
2007 |
326 |
Management of cerebral palsy : a transdisciplinary approach |
Tebbet, Kate |
2006 |
327 |
Management of the motor disorders of children with cerebral palsy |
Scrutton, David, Damiano, Diane, Mayston, Margaret, |
2004 |
328 |
Manual for the Development of Statistical information for Disability Programmes and Policies |
329 |
Manual of dysphagia assessment in adults |
Murray, Joseph |
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330 |
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331 |
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332 |
Meeting special and diverse educational needs : making inclusive education a reality |
Savolainen, Hanu, Kokkala, Heikki, Alasuutari, Hanna, |
2000 |
333 |
Mentoring new special education teachers : a guide for mentors and program developers |
Duffy, Mary Lou, and Forgan, James |
2005 |
334 |
Microsoft Excel 2000 |
George E.Khawam |
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335 |
Missing voices : children with disabilities in Africa |
Ransom, Bob |
2009 |
336 |
Missing Voices: Children with disabilities in Africa |
Bob Ransom |
2009 |
337 |
Movement and action in learning and development : Clinical implications for pervasive developmental disorders |
Stockman, Ida J. |
2004 |
338 |
My choice :an accessible guide to making choices for people with learning difficulties |
Raymond,Christina & Baker,Vicky |
2006 |
339 |
My choice :an accessible guide to making choices for people with learning difficulties |
Raymond, Christina, and Baker, Vicky |
2006 |
340 |
My Opportunity |
Leendert, pot & Marieke Boersma |
341 |
National Norms and Minimum Standards for home and Community |
342 |
National Violence and Injury Prevention and emergency Medical System Strategy: Three years |
Ministry of Health |
2009 |
343 |
National Violence and Injury Prevention and emergency Medical System Strategy: Three years strategic plan |
Ministry of Health |
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344 |
Nothing about us without us : disability oppression and empowerment |
Charlton, James I. |
1998 |
345 |
Nutrition and child care: a practical guide |
Ghosh, Shanti |
2004 |
346 |
Office Skills : The Finishing Touch |
347 |
Office skills: the finishing touch |
Barret, Charles, Kimbrell, Grady, Odgers, Pattie, |
1998 |
348 |
Open file on inclusive Education: Support materials for managers and Administrators |
349 |
Open File on inclusive Education: Support materials for managers and Administrators. |
350 |
Opportunity and challenge in promoting policy and practice-relevant knowledge on child rights |
351 |
Participatory Facilitation Tools For Development workers |
Vihinen, EvaLisa |
2009 |
352 |
Participatory Facilitation Tools For Development workers |
EevaLiisa Vihinen |
2009 |
353 |
Patterns : building blocks of experience |
Charles, Marilyn |
2002 |
354 |
Pediatric occupational therapy handbook : a guide to diagnoses and evidence-based interventions |
Bowyer, Patricia, and Cahill, Susan M. |
2009 |
355 |
People and change : exploring capacity-building in NGOs |
James, Rick |
2002 |
356 |
Personality and motivational systems in mental retardation |
Switzky, Harvey N |
2004 |
357 |
Persons international Education Assessing Student with Special needs |
James A. Mcloughling Rena BI lewis |
2009 |
358 |
Physiological interventions: Training Module |
359 |
Planning for training and development: A guide to analyzing needs. |
360 |
Planning workshop |
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361 |
Postmodern Self Psychology |
Goldberg, Arnold, Editor |
362 |
Postmodern Self Psychology: 18 |
Arnold Goldberg Editor |
363 |
Poverty through the eyes of Children |
364 |
Preparing to include Special Children in mainstream School |
Luz Flauell |
2001 |
365 |
Preparing to include special children in mainstream schools: a practical guide |
Flavell, Liz |
2001 |
366 |
Prevention of Noise-induced hearing loss: Report on an informal consultation |
1997 |
367 |
Prevention of Noise-induced hearing loss: Report on an informal consultation. |
1997 |
368 |
Principles of learning disability support |
Brooke, Joh |
2007 |
369 |
Proceedings of ICEVI-Ethiopia program |
2004 |
370 |
Proceedings of international conference on inclusive education and competence building in special needs education |
2007 |
371 |
Proceedings of March 1st, 2006 Commemoration day |
372 |
Promoting self-Advocacy : Toolkit Activities to empower young people |
Hawryla, Steph |
2006 |
373 |
Promoting Self-Advocacy: A Toolkit |
Hawryla, Steph |
2006 |
374 |
Promoting self-Advocacy: Toolkit Activities to empower young people |
Hawryla, Steph |
2006 |
375 |
Protecting people who have a learning disability from abuse |
Pountney, Jackie |
2007 |
376 |
Psychology |
Santrock, John W. |
2005 |
377 |
Psychology The Adaptive mind : Practical Solutions manual for Nairne’s |
378 |
Psychology (Study gude) |
Elizabeth Hunziker |
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379 |
Psychology : the science of mind and behaviour |
Passer, Michael, Smith, Ronald, Holt, Nigel, Bremner, Andy, Sutherland, Ed, Vliek, Michael, |
2009 |
380 |
Puppetry in education and therapy |
Matthew Berier and Judith)’ Hare |
2005 |
381 |
Putting policy into practice : participatory monitoring and evaluation in Ethiopia |
Mebrahtu, Esther |
2004 |
382 |
Putting the world to Right |
2008 |
383 |
Realising Rights For Children Good practice :Eastern and Southern Africa |
384 |
Realising rights for children good practice: Eastern and Southern Africa |
Kanyago, Nancy |
2007 |
385 |
Recognising and planning for special needs in the early years |
Dukes, Chris, and Smith, Maggie |
2009 |
386 |
Red Ribbon Award 2010 Nominate Now |
2010 |
387 |
Referral Guide Medical Rehabilitation services Dire Dawa & Somali Regions |
2009 |
388 |
Referral guide medical rehabilitation services Dire Dawa and Somali regions |
2009 |
389 |
Rehabilitation of Persons with disabilities: Challenges Beliefs and Resources |
Gebremedhin, Tigabu |
1997 |
390 |
Rehabilitation of Persons with disabilities: Challenges Beliefs and Resources |
Tigabu Gebremedhin |
1997 |
391 |
Removing Barriers planning meeting s That are accessible to all participants |
392 |
Report on the global AIDS Epidemic |
2008 |
393 |
Report on the global AIDS epidemic and documentary library |
2008 |
394 |
Reporting on violence against children |
395 |
Research and Global Perspectives |
William M. Crutick Shank |
2001 |
396 |
Research and global perspectives in learning disabilities : essays in honor of William M. Cruickshank |
Hallahan, Daniel P., Editor |
2001 |
397 |
Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches |
Creswell, John W. |
2009 |
398 |
Research in Human Development : The Official Journal of the Society for the Study of Human Development |
Eccles, Jacquelynne S. |
2004 |
399 |
Research methods for political science : quantitative and qualitative methods |
McNabb, David E. |
2004 |
400 |
Research report on the general conditions of people with disabilities in Ethiopia |
2007 |
401 |
Research report on the general conditions of people with disabilities in Ethiopia. |
2007 |
402 |
Resource center manual :How to set up and manage a resource center |
2003 |
403 |
Resource center manual: How to set up and manage a resource center |
2003 |
404 |
Rethinking disability : a disability studies approach to inclusive practices |
Valle, Jan W., and Connor, David J. |
2011 |
405 |
Review of international and Ethiopian laws on disability |
2008 |
406 |
Rights-based approaches : learning project |
Rand, Jude and Watson, Gabrielle |
2007 |
407 |
Safe Pregnancy and Mother Hood |
2009 |
408 |
-Say one thing you are good at |
409 |
-Say who you would like to live within the Future. |
410 |
Second All-Africa consultative meeting of child, youth and human rights organizations: proceedings |
411 |
Second guidance paper: joint UN Programmers’ and teams on AIDS |
2008 |
412 |
See me, Hear Me: A guide to using the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities to promote the rights of children |
413 |
Select Publication from ODI and CPRC on social Policy and Social protection related to Children and Gender |
414 |
Selected publication from ODI and CPRC on social policy and social protection related to children and gender |
415 |
Self employment for disabled persons: Experience from Africa and Asia |
Harper, M. Momm, W |
1992 |
416 |
Self-employment for disabled people : experiences from Africa and Asia |
Harper, Malcolm, and Momm, Willi |
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417 |
Setting up Community Health programmes: A practical Manual for use in developing countries. |
Ted Lankester |
2002 |
418 |
Setting up community health programs : a practical manual for use in developing countries |
Lankester, Ted, Campbell, Ian D., Rader, Alison D., |
2002 |
419 |
Sex and Sexuality |
Fletcher, James |
2006 |
420 |
Sex and Sexuality |
Fletcher,James and …et al. |
2006 |
421 |
Skills Development through community Based Rehabilitation (CBR): A good practice guide |
2008 |
422 |
Skills Development through community Based Rehabilitation (CBR): A good practice guide. |
2008 |
423 |
Social Problems |
Kem, Deepak |
2006 |
424 |
Social Psychology |
Kassin, Saul, Fein, Steven, Markus, Hazel Rose, |
2011 |
425 |
Social Survey methods |
Paul Nichols |
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426 |
Social Survey Methods: A Fieldguide for Development Worker |
Nichols, Paul |
1991 |
427 |
Social Survey Methods: A Fieldguide for Development Workers |
Paul Nichols |
1991 |
428 |
Soft tissue pain and disability |
Cailliet, Rene |
1996 |
429 |
Speak up – Voice I action I change I: promoting self-Advocacy -Toolk it: Activities to empower young People |
Steph AHawryla |
2006 |
430 |
Speak up – Voice I action I change I: promoting self-Advocacy -Toolk it: Activities to empower young People |
Steph AHawryla |
2006 |
431 |
Speaking Up box Speak up |
2006 |
432 |
Speaking Up box Speak up -Voice I action Change -Bungalow -Say one thing you are good at -Do we play lots of Games -Say who you would like to live within the Future. -Bell |
2006 |
433 |
Special needs education program strategy : Emphasizing Inclusive Education to meet the UPEC and EFA Goals |
2006 |
434 |
Special educational needs : the key concepts |
Garner, Philip |
435 |
Special educational needs, inclusion, and diversity |
Frederickson, Norah, and Cline, Tony |
2009 |
436 |
Special needs education program me in Ethiopia |
2008 |
437 |
Special Needs Education In TVET Frame work |
Ministry of education |
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438 |
Special needs education program in Ethiopia |
2008 |
439 |
Special needs education program strategy: Emphasizing Inclusive Education to meet the UPEC and EFA Goals |
2006 |
440 |
Special Teaching for Special Children: a Pedagogies for Inclusion |
Lewis, Ann, and Norwich, Brahm |
2005 |
441 |
Statistical methods for psychology |
Howell, David C. |
2007 |
442 |
Sticks, stones and brutal words: the violence against children in Ethiopia |
443 |
Sticks,Stons and Brutal words: The Violence Against Children in Ethiopia |
2006 |
444 |
Strategic Planning for Public an NPO |
Jossy Bass |
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445 |
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement |
Bryson, John M. |
1988 |
446 |
Strengthening community –based Rehabilitation Programs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : Project document |
2008 |
447 |
Strengthening Co-ordinate Action for Orphans and other Children made vulnerable by HIV&AIDS |
2008 |
448 |
Study Protocol to Undertake Epidemiological research on disability and Correlated KAP( Knowledge Attitude and Practice) |
Mengistu Kefale and Ambaye Degefa |
2009 |
449 |
Success with inclusion : 1001 teaching strategies and activities that really work |
Glynis Hannell |
2008 |
450 |
Successful transition programs : pathways for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities |
McDonnell, John, and Hardman, Michael L. |
2010 |
451 |
Support and teach children with Special Educational needs |
452 |
Supporting special needs : understanding inclusion in the early years |
Tassoni, Penny |
2003 |
453 |
Survey Report: National survey on Blindness, Low Vision and Trachoma in Ethiopia |
Prof. Yamane Berhane |
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454 |
Survey Report: National survey on Blindness, Low Vision and Trachoma in Ethiopia |
Berhane, Yemane |
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455 |
Surveying People with Disability : A practical guide |
456 |
Sustainable development and persons with disabilities : the process of self-empowerment |
Tandon, Yash |
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457 |
Sustainable Development and persons with disabilities: The process of self-Empowerment. |
Yash Tandon |
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458 |
T.O.T workshop on intellectual and developmental disabilities |
2005 |
459 |
Teaching: the Reflective Profession |
460 |
Technology today and tomorrow |
1999 |
461 |
Technology Today and Tomorrow |
Brusic, Sharon A., Fales, James F., Kuetemeyer, Vincent F., |
462 |
Teen Health |
Merki, Mary Bronson |
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463 |
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464 |
The African Report on Child Wellbeing 2008: How Child-Friendly are African Governments |
African Child Policy Forum |
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465 |
The African Report on Child Wellbeing: How child-friendly are African governments |
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466 |
The AIDS pandemic : impact on science and society |
Mayer, Kenneth H., and Pizer, H. F., Editors |
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467 |
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The art of black smithing |
Funk and wagnalls |
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469 |
The Art of Blacksmithing |
Bealer, Alex W. |
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470 |
The art of puppetry in education : tools and techniques |
AstellBurt, Caroline |
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471 |
The art of puppetry in Education: Tools and Techniques. |
Caroline AstellBurt |
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472 |
The child-friendliness index : a new tool to assess government performance |
Mekonen, Yehualashet |
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The community Health worker |
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The complete guide to Asperger’s syndrome |
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477 |
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478 |
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480 |
The essentials of contraceptive technology: A Handbook for Clinic Staff |
Hatcher, Robert A., Rinehart, Ward, Blackburn, Richard, Geller, Judith S., |
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The First HIV & AIDS National Communication Survey 2006 |
Johns Hopkins |
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The HIV/AIDS challenge in Africa : an impact and response assessment : the case of Ethiopia |
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483 |
The Lives of Children Heading Families |
Shimelis Tsgaye |
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484 |
The lives of children heading families : stories as told to Shimelis Tsegaye |
Tsegaye, Shimelis |
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The myth of autism : how a misunderstood epidemic is destroying our children |
Goldberg, Arnold |
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486 |
The need for early stimulation |
487 |
The need for early stimulation |
488 |
The practice of social research |
Babbie, Earl |
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489 |
The resolution of African conflicts : the management of conflict resolution & post-conflict reconstruction |
Nhema, Alfred, and Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe, Editors |
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The right to learn : a blueprint for creating schools that work |
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491 |
The rights international companion to criminal law & procedure : an international human rights law supplement |
Martin, Francisco Forrest, and Wilson, Richard |
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493 |
The road ahead : transition to adult life for persons with disabilities |
Storey, Keith, Bates, Paul, Hunter, Dawn, |
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The roots of African conflicts : The Causes & Costs |
Nhema, Alfred, and Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe, Editors |
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The Sage handbook of special education |
Florian, Lani |
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496 |
The SENCO handbook : working within a whole-school approach |
Cowne, Elizabeth |
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497 |
The social dimensions of learning disabilities : essays in honor of Tanis Bryan |
Wong, Bernice Y.L., Donahue, Mavis, Editors |
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498 |
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499 |
The special education handbook : an A-Z guide |
Farrell, Michael |
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500 |
The special educator’s survival guide |
Pierangelo, Roger |
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The States Man year Book |
John Paxton |
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Kimberley Hare Larry Reynolds |
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504 |
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505 |
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508 |
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The worldwide fundraiser’s handbook : a guide to fundraising for southern NGOs and voluntary organisations |
Norton, Michael |
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511 |
Therapists guide to learning and attention disorders |
Fine, Aubrey, and Kotkin, Ronald A. |
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512 |
Toolkits : a practical guide to planning, monitoring, evaluation and imact assessment |
Gosling, Louisa, and Edwards, Mike |
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513 |
Totally awesome health |
Meeks, Linda, and Heit, Philip |
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514 |
Towards an Africa free of violence |
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Towards inclusive learning in higher education : developing curricula for disabled students |
Adams, Mike, and Brown, Sally |
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516 |
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517 |
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519 |
Training in the community for people with disability |
520 |
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521 |
Training in the community for people with disability :Guide for local supervisor |
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522 |
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523 |
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524 |
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525 |
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526 |
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527 |
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528 |
Training package for a family member of a person who has fits :Information about the disability and what you can do about it |
529 |
Training Package for a mother of a baby with a disability :Breast-feeding |
530 |
Training package for family member of a person who has difficulty hearing or speaking |
531 |
Training package for family member of an adult who shows strange behavior |
532 |
Travel in your local Areas: guidance for tutors: A toolkit for supporting people with learning difficulties to learn work skill. |
Sam Hill |
533 |
Treatment of the person who shows strange Behavior |
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534 |
Treatment of the person who shows strange Behavior |
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535 |
Two-way street : communicating with disabled children and young people : communication handbook |
Marchant, Ruth and Gordon, Ro |
536 |
Understanding & Supporting Children With ADHD |
Lesley Hughes & Paul Cooper |
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537 |
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Hughes, Lesley, and Cooper, Paul |
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Understanding motor development : infants, children, adolescents, adults |
Gallahue, David L., and Ozmun, John C. |
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539 |
Understanding violence |
Englander, Elizabeth Kandel |
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540 |
Understanding, developing, and writing effective IEPs : a step-by-step guide for educators |
Pierangelo, Roger, and Giuliani, George |
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Universal birth registration: the challenge in Africa |
Belafonte, Harry |
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Uplifting Health Education |
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543 |
Video Documentary /Feature Commissioners Organized by Ethiopian Film Initiatives (EFI): Workshop Report |
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545 |
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Marieke Boersa |
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549 |
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550 |
Violence against Girls within the Community in Africa |
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551 |
Violence against girls within the community in Africa : the Second International Policy Conference on the African Child : violence against girls in Afric |
Xavier, Ejoyi |
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552 |
Violence against girls within the home in Africa : the Second International Policy Conference on the African Child : violence against girls in Africa |
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555 |
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Vital Letters: 1000 plus Indubitable Letters for Everyday Occasion |
Mergia, D. |
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557 |
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Skinner, Reinhard |
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558 |
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559 |
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560 |
What really works in special and Inclusive Education |
David Mitchell |
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561 |
What really works in special and inclusive education : using evidence-based teaching strategies |
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562 |
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McNary, Sarah J., Glasgow, Neal A., Hicks, Cathy D., |
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563 |
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564 |
When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities |
Savolainen, Hanu |
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569 |
Your role as a learning disability worker |
Pountney, Jackie |
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1997 |
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Annpcan |
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Annpcan |
2001 |
581 |
??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????? |
1998 |
582 |
????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???? |
??? ??? |
1996 |
583 |
???? ???? ? ?????? ????? ??-???? ????? ???? |
Annpcan |
584 |
????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?????? |
????? ????? |
585 |
???? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? 1?1/86 |
??? ???? |
2001 |
586 |
??????? ???? ???? ???? |
587 |
??? |
1997 |
588 |
?? ?? ???? ????? ???? |
1999 |
589 |
??? ?? ???? ????? ????? |